Project Consortium is happy to share the second Newsletter of  Communities 3.0 – Development of local forward-looking centers as platforms for inclusive neighborhoods (2021-1-SE01-KA220-ADU-000035091). 

The Consortium gives an update on the activities carried out in the last months. Specifically, the curriculum prepared by all partners provides a holistic approach with a focus on sustainable cooperation so that all organisations, even those with little experience, can come together to build long-term partnerships.

The curriculum consists of four chapters, following the same structure, including objectives, content, practical exercises, and links to available best practices for deepening knowledge. The first part of the curriculum has been turned into a MOOC and project partners are working on the second part of the MOOC. 

The curriculum has been piloted with adult education providers operating in socially disadvantaged neighborhoods in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, and Sweden in the autumn of 2023. Furthermore, the pilots for the second part of the curriculum were implemented in March and April 2024. 

To be updated on the next steps of the COMMUNITIES 3.0 project, follow the Facebook and LinkedIn pages.