On the 10th and 11th of October, partners had the pleasure of organising the final project meeting, hosted by the Bulgarian partner Know and Can. This meeting marked an important moment for the project, as all five partners from Sweden, Greece, Italy, and Bulgaria gathered to discuss the last stages of the project, set to conclude in April 2025. 

The first day started with a warm welcome from Know and Can, followed by a presentation of the agenda. MIR, the coordinator, led a comprehensive overview of the project’s status and future steps. CEIPES, as the responsible partner for dissemination, shared updates on the project’s communication strategy and the reach of its outputs, while Know and Can presented the current Quality Assurance status. The day concluded with a study visit to the “Bacho Kiro” Community Center, a hub for local activities, from daily workshops to book nights and cultural events. 

The second day concentrated on the development of the promotion movie which was discussed in depth by the Italian partner Teatro Alla Guilla. It will feature testimonials and videos from the social activities organized by each partner at the local level. The meeting concluded with a discussion on the upcoming multiplier events and administrative details, ensuring a smooth path toward the project’s closure. 

This fruitful meeting showcased the collaborative spirit of the consortium and reaffirmed the commitment of all partners to deliver impactful results for local communities. 

To be updated on the next steps of the COMMUNITIES 3.0 project, followed the Facebook and LinkedIn pages.